FABER is an in vitro test for the measurement of specific IgE from human serum or plasma.
The FABER testing system is generated by the combined expertise of experts in the fields of multi-parameter diagnostics, protein biochemistry, information technology and clinical diagnosis with innovative multi-parameter immunological tests.
The patent pending technology which the FABER test is based on was developed by MacroarrayDx. Hundreds of molecular allergens or allergen extracts are coupled to chemically activated nanoparticles. These particles are then arrayed to a solid phase matrix, to form a one-step comprehensive array based testing solution, using only minimal amounts of patient sample (100 microliter per test). Using this technology, each allergen particle population can be individually optimized to achieve the maximum testing performance, and there is no trade-off between number of tests and performance.
Allergenic molecules and allergen extracts are obtained only from the highest quality providers in the field. Each allergenic preparation is checked for purity and allergenic activity by several methods before including it into the test panels. Each allergen preparation was selected based on clinical relevance, carefully evaluated and compared to reference methods.
The inclusion of allergenic extracts in the FABER test aims to confirm or complement the results obtained with the single allergenic molecules where currently not all allergenic molecules are already available.
The FABER test is currently exclusively available from our partner lab, Sermolab S.r.l. Blood drawing can be done in any of the CAAM network centers or by sending the sample directly to Sermolab S.r.l.
Please enquire for instructions by sending an email to faber@caam-allergy.com.
The IBBR-CNR evaluates and makes allergenic preparations available, doing all the required biochemical procedures to verify allergen quality.
The ADL team develops and maintains the Allergome platform, and the external modules, InterAll, ReTiME, and the new CDRS.
CAAM molecular allergologists and the CAAM lab team at the Sermolab are responsible for performing the lab testing and test result evaluation as well as clinical evaluation of the test results.
MacroarrayDx is a Vienna based company founded by the original inventors of ISAC technology, who have now developed the next generation in vitro testing and software tools for immunodiagnostic applications.
The currently used version of the FABER test is identified using an univocal encoding with 4 numbers:
The identification of the FABER test version is displayed in paper and electronic pdf reports and in the CDRS.
For the full list of allergenic preparations present in the FABER test click here to download the demo version of the lab report. For all other in language version of the report click here.
For a dynamic and advanced visualization of the FABER test please use the demo version of the CDRS. The CDRS allows to shift from one to another of the available twelve different languages.
The FABER test is in conformity with CE marking complying with the European Directive 98/79/CE.
The FABER test is classified as IVD and assigned the unique code RDM: 1498039, categories CND: W01020204 and EMDA: 12020105 repositories.
The FABER 244 test cost is identical to the previous ISAC 112 one, but the cost per single tested allergen preparation (molecule or extract) decreased at least 2 fold.
The comprehensiveness of the FABER test and the preliminary interpretation of the test by means of the CDRS allows to make a good saving on direct and indirect costs generated by the "classic" in vivo allergy diagnosis (skin test) and by the lab diagnosis using single-plex methods, where with the same overall cost only 10 tests using molecules or 20 tests using extracts might be performed.
ADL Srl has received funding for the FABER test development project from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 866356 – FABER-Net.